Monday, May 29, 2006

44.5 hours later...

That's how long it took to "migrate" from a 300GB RAID 1 array to a 600GB RAID 5 array... not counting the time (probably just as long) that it took to XCOPY the data over to the RAID 1 array in the first place. The nice part is that I was fully able to use the drive and the machine during the process. Now everything is finished and working beautifully!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

You are running very low on disk space on C:. To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click here.

I finally broke down and bought the hardware RAID 5 controller card that I've been drooling over for half a year... $620, just for the card, ouch...

The good news is that my storage capacity increases from 300GB to 600GB with redundancy. And I can expand as needed, up to 9 more drives... 3.22 terabytes >:-D

Can't wait for all the components to arrive... :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fun with Windows Forms #1

The exception:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: InvalidArgument=Value of '-1379311' is not valid for 'length'.
Parameter name: length
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.Select(Int32 start, Int32 length)
at System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.set_SelectionStart(Int32 value)

The code:
ComboBox cb;
cb.SelectionStart = cb.Text.Length;

The fix:
cb.Select(cb.Text.Length, 0)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Visual Studio Keyboard Tricks

I just recently figured out these keyboard tricks and they are great for working in Visual Studio and SQL Server. I'm using them all the time now!

Ctrl-Left: Move cursor back one "word"
Ctrl-Right: Move cursor forward one "word"
Ctrl-Del: Delete "word" to the right of the cursor
Ctrl-Backspace: Delete "word" to the left of the cursor
*combine with Shift to highlight at the same time

Visual Studio only:
Start/stop recording keyboard macro: Ctrl-Shift-R
Playback keyboard macro: Ctrl-Shift-P
Ctrl-I: "Incremental search" (try it out!)

Old news, right? But I was too lazy to go look this stuff up before now. ;-)
It's almost like working in Emacs again...

I'm especially pleased with this next one: The "snaplines" feature for Visual Studio Windows Forms is great, but it's annoying when it sometimes makes it impossible to resize or reposition a control the way you want to because it's snapping to some other random control on the form. Well, I found out that you can temporarily disable the snaplines by holding down the Alt key while you reposition or resize your control... nice!

Now playing: Andain - Beautiful Things (Josh Gabriel Mix)