Monday, May 01, 2006

Visual Studio Keyboard Tricks

I just recently figured out these keyboard tricks and they are great for working in Visual Studio and SQL Server. I'm using them all the time now!

Ctrl-Left: Move cursor back one "word"
Ctrl-Right: Move cursor forward one "word"
Ctrl-Del: Delete "word" to the right of the cursor
Ctrl-Backspace: Delete "word" to the left of the cursor
*combine with Shift to highlight at the same time

Visual Studio only:
Start/stop recording keyboard macro: Ctrl-Shift-R
Playback keyboard macro: Ctrl-Shift-P
Ctrl-I: "Incremental search" (try it out!)

Old news, right? But I was too lazy to go look this stuff up before now. ;-)
It's almost like working in Emacs again...

I'm especially pleased with this next one: The "snaplines" feature for Visual Studio Windows Forms is great, but it's annoying when it sometimes makes it impossible to resize or reposition a control the way you want to because it's snapping to some other random control on the form. Well, I found out that you can temporarily disable the snaplines by holding down the Alt key while you reposition or resize your control... nice!

Now playing: Andain - Beautiful Things (Josh Gabriel Mix)

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